dinsdag 31 maart 2009
Ypers 22 till the 24the of March
Hello everyone,
On sunday evening the twentysecond of march we left for Ypers. We had to take the train from Kortrijk to Ypers and we had bad luck because we had a delay of 30 min. When we eventually arrived in Ypers we had to hurry to the Menin Gate to see the Last Post. The Last Post is a ceremonie that remembers the victims of World War I. As always i find that ceremonie rather overwhelming. After the ceremonie we went to the place where we spent the night.
On mondaymorning the 23 of March we went with a coach to visit so sites who were very important for World War I. We went to Vladslo, which is a graveyard for german soldiers. Then we went to the Ijzer Tower. We visited the museum there. It give a lot of information about World War I.
After the lunch we went to Tyne Cot cemetery, which can be found in Passendaele. It is a cemetery for all fallen soldiers who faught with the Brittish.
After Tyne Cot we went to Poperinge to visit the Talbot House. This was a house were the soldiers could rest. Everybody was welcome there,common soldiers, officers,generals,... The could sing, dance, pray, talk together. Our guide was a very good storyteller and i was very interesting.
In the evening back at our place where we stayed there was a performance about World War I. It was very good.
On tuesday we went to visit Flanders Field Museum and afterwards we returned to Antwerp. I added some pictures to show you what we've seen.
woensdag 18 maart 2009
The Mobile school 17th of March
Hello everyone,
Today we went to Leuven to visit the Mobile School office. The Mobile school is a project to educate the street children. They do not try to teach the children like teachters do it in the class. The children don't sit down and listen to a streetteachers. They learned out of experience that it is not possible to try and teach them in that way. They have the following filosophy: the children can join them at any time and they can stay for as long as they want at a session on the street. Because they want the children want to learn out of their free will. They try to educate them about health, reading, writing,aids,...The selfesteem of the children grows. They now than can change things if they want.
Bruges 11th of March
Bruges 11th of March
Bruges KHBO
Hello everyone,
We went on the 11th of March in the afternoon to Bruges. We went to the new campus of the KHBO were we met two nice men who explained us everything about using games into your classes. We played the entire afternoon games. There were games that you can use in your mathematic classes, geography classes, history classes,kindergarden,primary school and so on. They have an archive of more than 10 000 games. So they have one of the largest collection in Europe, but it is the only collection that is opened to the public. People can come and borrow the games to use them in their classroom.
I added some pictures so that you can see a bit what we saw :)
After a day of hard work: Karaoke night
dinsdag 10 maart 2009
Visit to Klasse and a tour in Brussels
Hello everyone,
Today we went to Brussels. We visited the redaction of the magazine Klasse. This is a magazine from the ministery of Education and it is distributed in different form to teachers,parents and pupils. Not one other magazine has so many copies spread over Flanders. In the afternoon we had some classes. In these classes we explain to each other the different education systems in the different countries and than we have a little discussion about it. Today it was the presentation about the educational system in Greece, Tsjech Republik and Portugal.
After the classes i took some people for a little tour through Brussels. We visited the Grand Market, Mannenken Pis, Jeanneken Pis (Female Mannenken Pis), the Cathedral, the Royal Palace. And for me there was also something new because i had never seen the Cathedral from the inside. It was very nice.
Youth Subcultures
Hello everyone,
I will know start to write in English because some of my friends of the international Class wants to follow this too.
One of our assignments was to make an presentation about a youth subculture. We had to present them for the rest of the group. We saw the following subcultures: Punk, Skaters, Gothic, Rastafari,Hippies,Hiphop,...
I added a few pictures to show you what's it like...
dinsdag 3 maart 2009
Maandag 2/3 bezoek aan Gent
Hallo allemaal,
Na een deugddoende vakantie zijn we er weer in gevlogen. We trokken vandaag naar Gent. We startten onze rondleiding in Gent-Dampoort. Wanneer we uit het station kwamen werden we meteen al begroet door een stadsbewoner die voor heel wat hilariteit zorgde, namelijk een stadsmuis. We trokken naar de Korenmarkt waar uiteindelijk het rondleiden startte. Vanop deze plaats kunnen we namelijk het belfort, de St-Baafs kathedraa, Sint Michiel zien.
We hebben de St-Baafskathedraal bezocht en hebben we de replica van het Lam Gods bezichtigd. Vandaar gingen we richting de campus van de hogeschool van Gent waar tegenwoordig de afdeling muziek zit. Het gebouw stamt uit de 14de-15de eeuw. Het gebouw behoorde in die tijd tot de familie Van der Sikkelens,die een heel rijke familie waren. Ze hadden zelfs hun eigen waterput op het domein.
Daarna gingen we verder naar het Sint-Jorishof (Cour St-George) het oudste hotel in West-Europa. Op de plaats waar nu dat hotel zit is er al een hotel sins 1228.
Aan de overkant van de straat hebben we dan het stadhuis van Gent.
We komen rond het middaguur op de vrijdagmarkt waar we even kort halt houden. We krijgen een uur om in de omgeving onze lunch te verorberen.
Het hoogtepunt in de namiddag was het Gravensteen. We kregen er een uitgebreide uitleg over de foltertuigen uit de middeleeuwen. Helaas was de folterkamer gesloten voor het publiek op dat moment, maar onze gids kon het toch heel levendig uitleggen zonder de foltertuigen in de buurt :). Van het Gravensteen gingen we nog naar de Graslei om dan later weer uit te komen op de Korenmarkt waar onze gidsbeurt door Gent eindigde.
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